British Herping Wiki
British Herping Wiki
Sand lizard

Sand Lizard Dorset-By snakes1000000

The Sand Lizard, (Lacerta agilis) is the largest species of Lizard that inhabits Great Britain, it's very rare and an offence to touch these Lizards without the required licensing.

The sand lizard has a light underbelly and a dorsal stripe: males tend to be darker and colour and turn partly or wholly bright green during the mating season. Sand Lizards can reach up to 25 cm (10 in) in length.

In the UK, the sand lizard is restricted to southern heathlands and the coastal sand dunes of north west England. It is regarded as threatened and is strictly protected under UK law – as it is throughout most of Europe (it is a

Sand Lizard

Sand Lizard By snakes1000000

European Protected Species).

The female Sand Lizard lays eggs in loose sand in a sunny location, leaving them to be incubated by the warmth of the ground.

The UK Herpetological Conservation Trust is the lead partner in the UK Species Action Plan (SAP) for the Sand Lizard.
