British Herping Wiki
British Herping Wiki
Ferocious Salamander

-from flickr

The Chinese Fire Belly Newt or Chinese Triton Salamander (Cynops orientalis) is a small (2.2-4 inc, 6–10 cm) black newt, with bright orange aposematic coloration on the ventral side. Cynops orientalis is commonly seen in pet stores, where it is frequently confused with the Japanese Fire Belly Newt (Cynops pyrrhogaster) due to similarities in size and coloration. C. orientalis typically exhibit smoother skin and rounder tails than C. pyrrhogaster, and have less obvious parotoid glands.

Chinese Firebelly Newts are mildly poisonous and excrete toxins through their skin. Consisting primarily of tetrodotoxins, newts of the genusCynops pose a medically significant threat if enough toxins are consumed (Brodie et al., 1974). Despite this, skin excretions alone are unlikely to be harmful to humans unless the entire animal is swallowed. Regardless, the washing of hands before and after contact with these or any amphibian is important to reduce the risk of transferring toxins or disease to and from the animal.

As a pet[]

As said, this newt is very common as a pet. Two or three of these newts requires a tank of 60 litres. 

They are aquatic newts, so they need water to their tank. 10-15 cm of water should be enough.

However, they can sometimes want to climb to land,so you have to provide them some dry land area. A piece of cork wood should be enough, and some moist moss to that.

   Newts need hiding places. So, you should put there some fake or real plant, caves, rocks etc. and


Two chinese fire belly newts swimming

decoration items ment to fish, are also suitable.

As a soil you can use gravel, reptile carpet or nothing. DO NOT use sand, they can eat it by an accident.

Feed these newts with fish food, buffalo worms, flys, blood worms and with other small insects etc.

Do not feed ants.

In the UK[]

Escaped during the pet trade
